
I have two overarching questions:

All the questions below are quite rough. They all need to be made more precise and concrete. I have a lot of notes elsewhere on most of these questions, but just wanted to get a relatively complete and maybe over-general list of the questions I have been thinking about. Please reach out on twitter or mastodon or leave a comment here if you have feedback or want to talk about any of these questions!


Computer Science

Examples of function dependence

I want a “toy” model that captures some of these phenomena in a simple visual way.

Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 11.39.33 AM.png

looping is a global operation on a list while recursion on a list is local in this sense?

B = T | F
0 = on | off
J = 1 | -1

b1 : B <-> J
b1 T :=: 1
b1 F :=: -1 

o1: 0 <-> J
o1 on :=: b1 1
o1 off :=: b1 -1



Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 11.45.21 AM.png

A part of my notebook on Polytope.

A part of my notebook on Polytope.